Cocaine addiction can be difficult to spot initially. Symptoms of cocaine addiction may resemble the effects of experimentation or even simple recreational use early on. However, it doesn’t take long for a user’s body and mind to begin craving cocaine, as this drug is highly addictive.
The mental health professionals at Sierra Sage are here for you. If you need information or want help, reach out today. Call Sierra Sage at 833.922.2884 to learn more about our effective and comprehensive cocaine addiction treatment program.
Recognizing Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction
Helping yourself or a loved one get cocaine treatment starts with recognizing the common signs of addiction to this drug. Early detection can keep you a step ahead of some of the addiction’s worst consequences.
Typical symptoms of addictive cocaine use can include:
- Severe mood swings
- Paranoia
- Runny nose
- Frequent sniffles
- Dilated pupils
- Insomnia
- Appetite loss
- Depression
- Loss of interest in hobbies
During active addiction, acquiring substances is the top priority for the drug user. Since that’s the case, those with a cocaine addiction will often neglect work and family or friends to pursue and use their drug of choice. Addicts often lie to hide their habits from family members. Many people with a cocaine addiction also face financial troubles.
Dangers Linked to Cocaine Use
Cocaine is a stimulant known to be highly addictive and dangerous. The drug causes many harmful short-term and long-term health effects.
Health Concerns Associated with Cocaine Use
The regular use of cocaine directly affects how well blood vessels function throughout the body. It’s a substance that constricts blood flow and can cause fluctuating blood pressure levels as a result. Additionally, those who snort cocaine in powder form often damage their septum and nasal cavity over time.
Other dangerous and life-threatening symptoms of cocaine addiction are:
- Severe headaches
- Nausea
- Chills
- Confusion
- Sweating
- Seizures
Long-term cocaine use has also been linked to kidney, brain, lung, heart, and gastrointestinal damage. On a psychological level, long-term cocaine use is commonly associated with the development of anxiety and depression.
Other psychological effects include panic attacks, irritability, aggression, hallucinations, and paranoia.
Intervention Leading to a Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program
If someone using cocaine becomes addicted to the drug, the individual will often require intervention or outside help to get the situation under control and recover. Family, friends, and even colleagues must step in to face the individual and confront the issue. An intervention is a chance to let that person know there is a problem and they have a support system willing to help.
A strong support system is vital when it comes to long-term cocaine addiction recovery. Helping a loved one find the cocaine addiction treatment program they need is an important first step in the process.
In many cases, treating a cocaine addiction comes down to services focusing on the mind and body. Since cocaine addiction affects a person’s brain and body chemistry, a balanced approach to treatment is necessary to return that person to health and set up a program for long-term recovery.
Take Your Life Back with Help from Sierra Sage
Overcoming an addiction to cocaine isn’t something anyone has to do alone. Cocaine alters the neurological systems in your brain, and it becomes extremely difficult to quit using the drug if you’ve exposed your body to it repeatedly for an extended period.
At Sierra Sage Recovery Services, we provide treatment programs that meet you where you are and help you take back the life you deserve.
We’re here to take this journey with you. Call Sierra Sage Recovery Services at 833.922.2884 or use our online form for more information on our many services.